In Layout and Schematics mode, you can inspect the board layout and its schematics. If you select or hover a signal or part, it's highlighted in both views.
Navigating in the layout
You can pan, zoom and navigate the layout as you do with images in the Photos App of iOS. Pinch to zoom in or out of the layout.
Navigating in the schematics
You can pan, zoom and navigate the layout as you do with images in the Photos App of iOS. Pinch to zoom in or out of the layout.
You can swipe down to go to the next sheet or up to go to the previous sheet. Copper will remember the current zoom and scroll position and will restore it if you come back to that sheet.
Please note: This is only possible if you have fully zoomed out the current sheet. Zoomed in a swipe gesture will only move the sheet around. If you want to keep the current zoom level, choose another sheet with the sheet selector.
Selecting signals and parts
Long pressing will display a magnification loupe that will make it easier to select parts and signals. Once you long press, panning with your finger will no longer scroll the view but drag the loupe around. A small circle indicates the selection area. Bring it over a signal or part to highlight it.
A small tooltip above the loupe displays the name of the part or signal. This way you can quickly find the signal or part you are searching for, or get the name of it.
Copper will show the selected part or signal in the part browser and will highlight it in the layout.
Please note: If you have way zoomed in Copper will not display the magnification loupe as signals and parts are so large that you can just selected them with your finger.
View settings
You can modify the way Copper renders your PCB layout. There are various options that are very useful.
If activated, displays all layers. If disabled, all layers that compile the opposite side of the board are hidden. This way you ca quickly hide all bottom layers for example (bottom, bStop, bCream, bRestrict, bNames and bValues). You won't need to disable those layers separately in the layer list.
Copper pours
Copper correctly calculates copper fills for polygons. Sometimes, those large fill areas hide details from the opposite layer. Use this option to disable rendering copper pours. It will not disable rendering of all polygons, just the pours of top and bottom layers.
Board orientation
If you want to see the board from below, you typically need to wrap that in your head. With Copper, you can just flip the orientation, layer hierarchy and many more with this option. If you switch the layer to bottom, Copper will render the board exactly as if you would flip the board in real life.
Sheet overview and selecting a sheet
Tap the sheet icon to see an overview of all available sheets. Tap on a sheet to select it. The schematic viewer will then display that sheet. Please note, that the zoom level and scroll position are saved and restored if you switch between sheets.
Sharing images
Tap on the share icon to export a high resolution image of the layout. You will be presented various options like storing the image in your image roll, send it via email or iMessages or to send it via Airdrop to another Apple device in the same network.
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